The N.C. Employment Security Commission announced yesterday that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in North Carolina fell from 9.7 percent in August to 9.6 percent in September.
The jobless rate in NC has now fallen for seven consecutive months since standing at 11.2% in February, and indicator that things are slowly getting better.
Good news, I hope for my friends and acquaintances that are unemployed.
I know quite a few of them as I spent 10 months actively looking for a job.
When I say looking for a job, I mean all day, every day, looking for openings, following up with anyone at the company I could contact and networking.
So I know what it feels like to be unemployed. And just because I was fortunate enough to have capabilities that some organization needed doesn't mean I've forgotten.
So, first, a note to the unemployed. Keep trying! Keep talking to people -- they might not have a job lead, but they could have a new idea you could try.
Second, -- a big thank you to President Obama and the Democrats in Congress that extended unemployment benefits and passed the COBRA subsidy (that unfortunately has expired). Those measures helped my family weather my unemployment. Without it, we may have had to go without healthcare coverage, and the small amount I collected helped at least pay for food as we watched our savings dwindle.
So I really get upset when politicians say that the unemployed are lazy and unemployment is some type of hand out.
I hope all those politicians who said that have to look for a job themselves soon.
So don't forget to vote, and choose wisely!